
Red Hook public housing residents call for action against NYCHA, Dinosaur Bar-B-Que to come to Gowanus … and more

Craigslist listing photo (source: Curbed)
Craigslist listing photo (source: Curbed)

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1. A guide to Brooklyn’s condos-gone-rental [Curbed]
2. Going over the “fiscal cliff” would “negatively impact every underlying fundamental of commercial real estate,” Bob Knakal says [GlobeSt.]
3. Mediabistro founder’s sprawling loft — replete with an indoor swing [NYT]
4. Red Hook public housing residents call for marches, rent strikes and lawsuits against NYCHA [DNAinfo]
5. Actors Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield buy in Beverly Hills [Real Estalker]
6. At long last, the Hyatt Union Square is slated to open January 2 [EV Grieve]
7. Dinosaur Bar-B-Que is coming to Gowanus next spring [DNAinfo]
8. Do the people photographed in these Craigslist listings come with the apartment? [Curbed]
9. Luxury Dumbo trailer may or may not be Will Smith’s mobile digs during the filming of “Winter’s Tale” [Gothamist]
10. Deanna Kory of Corcoran shares her favorite real estate story of when a home inspection went awry [YouTube]

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