1. Domino Sugar factory: the music video [Curbed]
2. City homeowners who lost homes to Hurricane Sandy get a three-month extension on their property tax bills [NYO]
3. The 20 most anticipated hotel openings of the coming year. NYC’s Quin Hotel makes the list [Forbes]
4. New renderings released of architect Jean Nouvel’s MoMA tower [Curbed]
5. What (a Cookie Monster t-shirt clad) Nate Silver can teach us about the housing market [Business Insider]
6. ABC News’ George Stephanopolos and wife, Alexandra Wentworth, stand to profit from sale of East Hampton home [Curbed]
7. The extent to which Hurricane Sandy overwhelmed NYCHA [NYT]
8. The denser the city, the more productive. Here’s why [Atlantic Cities]
9. “HIV and hepatitis C ran most rampant in gentrifying Bedford-Stuyvesant, Crown Heights, Williamsburg and Harlem” and other neighborhood STD stats [NYP]
10. Bartering for an NYC apartment [Forbes]
11. Judith Rodin: the woman tasked with saving the Big Apple from the next big storm [Atlantic Cities]
12. Revolve cycling studio sets up shop in Union Square [NYO]
Domino Sugar factory gets its own music video, property tax reprieve for NYC residents left homeless by Sandy … and more

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