Libor may have cost Fannie, Freddie $3B, your pick for the year’s best house … and more

Inside the Hoboken PATH station -- some Hoboken-to-Midtown service has returned
Inside the Hoboken PATH station -- some Hoboken-to-Midtown service has returned

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1. In Doe Fund’s absence, East 86th Street residents appeal for help keeping sidewalks clean [DNAinfo]
2. Check out these real estate agents’ headshots — and you’ll know you’re not in NYC anymore [Curbed]
3. Some Hoboken-to-Midtown PATH service is back [CBS NY]
4. Petitioning parents say that a new Kips Bay elementary school will have a ratio of low-income students that “in no way reflects the neighborhood demographics and the property values in the area which surrounds.” [DNAinfo]
5. Libor may have cost Fannie, Freddie $3 billion [Bloomberg]
6. Real estate heiress Joselyn Wohl allegedly threw sobriety coach down stairs and choked her, a new lawsuit charges [DNAinfo]
7. Mapping Procrasti-Nation [Explore]
8. Brooklyn’s CB 1 slated to vote tonight on the completion of a 14-mile waterfront greenway; at issue is the stretch linking Williamsburg and Greenpoint [Brownstoner]
9. Ally Financial pays back FDIC debt — to the tune of $4.5 billion [HousingWire]
10. Your pick for the best house of 2012 [WSJ]
11. America’s largest landowners. Find out which cable magnate owns some 2.2 million acres [Business Insider]
12. Ronald Perelman may be building a fence near his East Hampton home, and some locals are complaining that the fence posts are a public safety hazard [Curbed]
13. City proposes public plaza near Brooklyn anchorage of Williamsburg Bridge [DNAinfo]

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