1. Give Park Slope this day its daily bread: Le Pain Quotidien coming to neighborhood [DNAinfo]
2. Donald Trump threatens to sue Scottish government over $350 million wind project [Law360]
3. Central Park police precinct reopens after $61 million renovation [DNAinfo]
4. Aquatic-themed carousel to open in Battery Park City next month [Curbed, 1st item]
5. Real estate investor Scott Lawler makes a scaled-down comeback [NYT]
6. The Apthorp: Building extraordinaire and also set of “The Money Pit” [Curbed]
7. 30 minutes with the founder of BAM Architecture Studio [NYT]
8. Meet Courtney Brett, the architecture industry’s 20-something hotshot [WSJ]
9. East WillyB, a new satirical Web series on Bushwick [Curbed, 2nd item]
10. Massey Knakal’s gargantuan sign at 112 Montague Street taken down [Brooklyn Heights Blog]
11. Chinese developers look to their expat paisans for investment [WSJ]
Le Pain Quotidien coming to Park Slope, Trump may sue Scots over $350M project … and more

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