
The ten-year anniversary issue is live!

Covering the world’s most electric real estate market for the last decade has been a privilege, and a rush. This month, in The Real Deal’s special tenth-anniversary issue, Tom Acitelli looks back at the stories that shaped New York City real estate over the last ten years. Hayley Kaplan checks in on the fate of some of the marquee projects started during the city’s real estate boom. Hiten Samtani lifts the veil on the abrupt exit of Michael Fascitelli, the CEO of mega-REIT Vornado. 

Adam Pincus analyzes the changes to the $6 billion estate of late real estate czar Sol Goldman. Katherine Clarke reports on the triumphs and tribulations of Alexico Group’s 56 Leonard. Alice Brennan chronicles how Red Hook’s renaissance was brought to a halt by Hurricane Sandy.

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C.J. Hughes asks leading analysts where real estate investors should place their bets. Getting between the spreadsheets, Hiten Samtani looks at how “Big Data” is changing the real estate landscape.

Claire Wilson looks at the surge in demand for Greenpoint real estate brought about by an unlikely catalyst, the HBO mega-hit-series “Girls.” Sanna Chu profiles Douglas Elliman’s under-the-radar power broker Marcos Cohen. Finally, in our Closing interview, Katherine Clarke talks with Henry Elghanayan, the CEO of Rockrose Development.

To read these stories and dozens more, click here or on the “Magazine” tab at the top of the website. —TRD

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