Numbers to know: 15 Central Park West breaks new record, Time Warner Center seeks highest listing ppsf … and more

Time Warner Center (credit: PropertyShark)
Time Warner Center (credit: PropertyShark)

“Numbers to know” is a weekly web feature that catalogues the most notable, quirky and surprising real estate statistics. Fifteen Central Park West clinches a record price for a non-park-view apartment, Time Warner Center commands the highest asking prices in the land, and millions of homes are at risk for hurricane damage this season.

$5 million
Renovation cost of the Owen Dolen Park and neighboring Owen Dolen Recreation Center in the Bronx, which marked its reopening yesterday [Press Release]

4.2 million
Residential homes nationwide that are at risk for hurricane damage — $200 billion worth of property alone is located in the New York metropolitan area [CoreLogic]

Average market value of a home in Detroit — the city that ranked as the best city for buying fixer-upper home bargains [RealtyTrac]

Multi-family buildings that were completed in 2012 — 8,000 had three floors or less [U.S. Census Bureau]

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Average asking price per square foot at the Time Warner Center at 80 Columbus Circle — the highest in the city [CityRealty]

Price per square foot of a 15 Central Park West apartment without a park view that sold May 30 — a new building record [Mercedes/Berk]

Number of new Manhattan residential listings in May [Maxwell Jacobs]

Cost to maintain a home built before 1960; it costs an average of $241 to maintain a home built after 2008 [NAHB]

Percentage that home prices in the New York area increased in April year-over-year [CoreLogic]

Number of public pools in East Harlem, Brownsville, Fort Totten and Staten Island that are in danger of closing [State Senator Daniel Squadron’s Office]

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