
Empty posh pads play host to austim benefit

Artist is selling works at Mercedes House's Strata

554 West 54th Street
554 West 54th Street

Mitch Siegel, a Midtown artist whose work currently graces the walls of Manhattan’s poshest apartments, is selling his work to benefit an autism charity.

The works are currently on display in the penthouses at the Strata, the luxury rentals atop Mercedes House at 555 West 53rd Street. The building, as previously reported, was nearly 70 percent leased as of July. Siegel will send around 30 percent of proceeds from the purchase of his works to the Autism Society. The paintings, which range from $700 to $2,500, will be on offer as prospective tenants go on free tours of the penthouses.

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During the tours, Siegel will discuss both his artwork and his autism advocacy, which springs from his experience as the parent of an autistic child.

Siegel told DNAinfo that he aims to raise several thousand dollars in the effort. [DNAinfo]Julie Strickland

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