Numbers to know: River Ridge condo prices worse than 2008, homebuyers raid their 401Ks for down payments … and more

River Ridge at 78 Ridge Street (credit: PropertyShark)
River Ridge at 78 Ridge Street (credit: PropertyShark)

“Numbers to know” is a weekly web feature that catalogues the most notable, quirky and surprising real estate statistics. Prices at the River Ridge condos worse than during the recession, some U.S. homebuyers funding down payments with retirement funds, and Westchester’s trick-or-treating is tops.

$3.495 million

Asking price of director Judd Apatow and actress Leslie Mann’s Beverly Hills, Calif., home, which they purchased in December 2005 for $1.66 million [Zillow]

$2.16 million

Funds from the Lower Manhattan Development Corp. used to Restore James Madison Plaza in the Financial District, which celebrated its opening this past week [Press Release]


Square feet at 501 Madison Avenue, which will undergo an extensive redevelopment of its entrance and lobby, designed by HLW Architects [Press Release]


Square feet at the new Columbia University School of Nursing building designed by FXFOWLE Architects and CO Architects [Press Release]


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Civil penalty a Holiday Inn Express at 279 Butler Street in Brooklyn must pay to the state for price gouging guests in the wake of Hurricane Sandy [Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s Office]


Zip code for Westchester County, which was named one of the best places in the country to trick-or-treat; other suburbs on the list included Glencoe, Ill., Encino, Calif., and Bellaire, Texas [ZipRealty]


Average price per square foot of closed sales at the River Ridge condos at 78 Ridge Street on the Lower East Side in the past 12 months; in 2010 the average price per square foot of closed sales was $1,000 [CityRealty]


States, including New York, that filed a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court this past week in support of upholding the Fair Housing Act, which is currently being challenged [Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s Office]


Contracts signed last week that were asking $10 million or higher, including a penthouse at 1355 First Avenue and a unit at 535 West End Avenue [Olshan Luxury Market Report]


Percentage of homebuyers nationwide who took money out of their 401k or pension fund to make the down payment on their home [DoorSteps]