Animated Storyboards, an international film production company, is fully animated, moving its headquarters south to ABS Partners’ 1001 Sixth Avenue, at West 37th Street in the Garment District.
It signed for 10,031 square feet on the 24th and 25th floors at the 240,000-square-foot building. At the moment, the company’s Manhattan base is in the Upper West Side, at 1995 Broadway, where it occupies 4,100 square feet.
Asking rents at 1001 Sixth Avenue are $55 per square foot, according to the New York Post. ABS Partners plans to Create A Rooftop Terrace specifically for events hosted by Animated Storyboards.
Cushman & Wakefield brokers Jodi Roberts and Melissa Bazar represented the tenant, while Douglas Regal and James Caseley represented the landlord in-house, the Post said.
In June, pharmaceutical marketing firm Crossix signed a 10-year lease at the 23-story building, as The Real Deal reported. [NYP, 3rd item] — Mark Maurer