
New 183-room hotel to rise on Williamsburg’s Wythe Avenue

From left: 55 Wythe Avenue and the Wythe Hotel at 80 Wythe Avenue
From left: 55 Wythe Avenue and the Wythe Hotel at 80 Wythe Avenue

Hotel developer Zelig Weiss is bringing a new 183-room hotel to Wythe Avenue in Williamsburg. The 150,000-square-foot project will be located at 55 Wythe Avenue, between North 12th and North 13th streets, just a block down from the popular Wythe Hotel.

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The site currently holds a one-story warehouse. The planned 20-story building will have retail space on the first floor and offices on floors five through nine, according to Department of Buildings records spotted by BuzzBuzzHome. The hotel section of the building will begin on the 11th floor, and will feature a rooftop deck and restaurant.

Weliss and partner Zalman Glauber are also behind the Condor Hotel at 56 Franklin Avenue, according to BuzzBuzzHome. [BBH] Hiten Samtani

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