DOB warns building owners about Winter Storm Hercules, $320M Marriott Residence Inn opens Tuesday near Central Park … and more

Central Park under a past snowy siege
Central Park under a past snowy siege

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1. Department of Buildings warns building owners to secure sites ahead of Winter Storm Hercules [REW]
2. $320M Marriott Residence Inn opens Tuesday near Central Park [Press Release]
3. Rio’s Trump Towers offers Brazilian builders work after 2016 Olympics [Bloomberg News]
4. Manhattan skyline shaper Benjamin Holloway of Equitable Life Assurance dies at 88 [Bloomberg News]
5. Old Seaport’s 40 Peck Slip to be crowned with top-floor conference room [Tribeca Tribune]
6. Bushwick’s 435 Central Avenue to get new five-story residential building [Brownstoner]
7. Harlem residents on their fast-changing neighborhood [Curbed]
8. California’s Orange County boasts $33M record-breaking sale [WSJ]Julie Strickland

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