Lower East Side corner could become “Beastie Boys Square”

From left: the Beastie Boys, the corner of Ludlow and Rivington streets as it appeared on the Beastie Boys album cover "Paul's Boutique" and how it appears today
From left: the Beastie Boys, the corner of Ludlow and Rivington streets as it appeared on the Beastie Boys album cover "Paul's Boutique" and how it appears today

WEEKENDEDITION On Tuesday, Community Board 3 will consider renaming the intersection of Ludlow and Rivington streets “Beastie Boys Square.”

The idea for the new name comes for the cover of the rap group’s album “Paul’s Boutique,” which features the corner.

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When asked what he thought of the plan, Israel Horovitz, the father of Beastie Boy Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz, told the New York Post that “any spot that’s named for my kid is a good spot.”

However, even if the new name receives community board approval, the plan will still have to be approved by the City Council.

“They [City Council] are knowledgeable of hip hop, a lot of them were raised on hip hop — at their Sweet Sixteen parties and bar mitzvahs — so you don’t have to explain to them who Biggie Smalls was,” Horovitz added. “They don’t necessarily have the preconceived negative approach to all hip hop.” [NYP] Christopher Cameron