Plaza board sues to evict Kazakhstan president’s nephew

Nazarbayev owes $132K in back fees on $20M condo in hotel, suit claims

From left: Daniyar Nazarbayev, Plaza Hotel at 768 Fifth Avenue and Nursultan Nazarbayev
From left: Daniyar Nazarbayev, Plaza Hotel at 768 Fifth Avenue and Nursultan Nazarbayev

The condominium board at The Plaza hotel is suing the nephew of the president of Kazakhstan for allegedly paying no building fees on his $20 million apartment in the past year.

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Daniyar Nazarbayev, 26, owes $132,000 in fees, including $71,000 in common charges, according to a foreclosure suit filed yesterday in Manhattan Civil Court. The board is seeking to evict him. His lawyer Russ Nazrisho said Nazarbayev resides in Hong Kong, not in the 18th-floor condo. Nazrisho also claimed his client “paid real-estate taxes and other carrying charges on the property.”

In a separate lawsuit, President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s brother Bolat sued his ex-wife, alleging that he was swindled out of the apartment by signing a power of attorney agreement to give it to Daniyar for $1. Nazrisho denied allegations that Daniyar tricked his way into being admitted to Columbia University. [NYP]Mark Maurer

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