The Marlton named one of top new US hotels, French ambassador asks $48M for 740 Park duplex … and more

30 Park Place
30 Park Place

1. The Marlton at 5 West 8th Street named one of the best new U.S. hotels [CN Traveler]
2. French ambassador asks $48 million for duplex at 740 Park [NYT]
3. Low Income Marketing Group offers peek at 1770 Madison Avenue in Midtown [New York Yimby]
4. U.S. short sales grinding to a halt [NYT]
5. New York Harbor is 20 times more likely to flood now than 200 years ago [Gothamist]
6. Silverstein’s 67-story Four Seasons rising at 30 Park Place [New York Yimby]

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Mark Maurer

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