The Wrap: Aby Rosen unveils 610 Lex interiors via Instagram, attendance drops at NYC pools … and more

Swimmers are finding the crowds a little thinner at the McCarren Park Pool and others this summer.
Swimmers are finding the crowds a little thinner at the McCarren Park Pool and others this summer.

1. Aby Rosen unveils 610 Lex interiors via Instagram [Curbed]
2. Attendance drops at NYC pools over unusually cool summer [NYDN]
3. Travelers, diners split over Penn Station improvements [NYT]
4. Coignet Building’s façade peeks out amid rehab [Brooklyn Eagle]
5. Park Slope townhouse tries again for $3M+ [Curbed]
6. Bowery’s Whitehouse Hotel “temporarily closing down” [EV Grieve]
7. Finding a Brooklyn house for under $1M [BrickUnderground]
8. Is the Upper East Side cooler than Brooklyn? [Daily Beast]

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Julie Strickland

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