Landmarks panel OKs project on Village sex shop site

Jackson Group changed design for proposed five-story mixed-use building

From left: 192 Seventh Avenue South rendering, Jackson Group's Ike Chehebar and Fantasy World
From left: 192 Seventh Avenue South rendering, Jackson Group's Ike Chehebar and Fantasy World

The Jackson Group received approval from the Landmarks Preservation Commission yesterday to construct a five-story, mixed-use building in the West Village.

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The developer and SRA Architecture + Engineering revised the proposed design to add “more texture and articulation.” The commission said initial plans for a metal and glass façade were not harmonious.

Adult toy shop Fantasy World currently occupies the one-story building at 192 Seventh Avenue South, near West 11th Street. After the property is demolished, a new structure is set to house apartments and commercial space. [Curbed]Mark Maurer

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