
No kidding around

Experts make case for spending more on responsibly created kid’s furnishings

A large playroom designed by Sandra Nunnerley features artwork by Raymond Parker, a red chair and ottoman designed by Cheick Diallo and a table by Jacques Jarrige.
A large playroom designed by Sandra Nunnerley features artwork by Raymond Parker, a red chair and ottoman designed by Cheick Diallo and a table by Jacques Jarrige.

From Luxury Listings NYC: It may seem counterintuitive to urge parents to seek out objects of quality and permanence, like upholstered furniture, even fine art, to go in — of all places — a child’s room. After all, children are the very opposite of permanence, capable of outgrowing sneakers before a season is over, to the eternal frustration of parents everywhere.

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But what’s often available from manufacturers in today’s throwaway world can be shoddy and even harmful to the environment, and last about as long as a pair of sneakers. So choosing quality furnishings means, in many cases, choosing furnishings that are also ethically made and environmentally safe. [more]

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