
Sneak peek: Panels set for TRD’s Shanghai Showcase

Spitzer, Witkoff and other industry heavyweights to participate in NYC-focused panels

Panels for TRD’s September showcase in China have been set. We can now reveal that Eliot Spitzer, Steve Witkoff, Stan Gale and Shang Dai will be participating in the panel, “Opportunities for development in NYC and beyond.” The panelists will offer investors a look at the state of the market for building new projects, including possibilities for joint ventures with U.S. partners.

Participants in a second New York-centric panel, “Investing in commercial properties in NYC and beyond,” include Bruce Mosler, Shahab Karmeli, Rotem Rosen, Neal Sroka and Scott Alper. This panel will give an overview of the commercial market and a look at opportunities in the office, hotel and retail sectors in the U.S.

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We will continue to roll out the participants in other panels in the weeks to come, so stay tuned to this space for more exciting announcements. And, for more information on the event itself, please click here and check out the hashtag #TRDShanghai for updates via social media.

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