
Mad man mocks

Ad mogul, author Richard Kirshenbaum on skewering his own very naughty class

Richard Kirschenbaum and his home
Richard Kirschenbaum and his home

From Luxury Listings NYC: Advertising mogul and satirist of the super rich, Richard Kirshenbaum, 54, now finds himself under the white-hot glare of the media spotlight, dodging barbs and scooping up accolades.

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With the publication of his latest book, “Isn’t That Rich? Life Among the 1%,” “Kirshenbaum,” a mouthful of a name, is seemingly on the tip of every blue-blooded tongue. The collection of stories lampoons real-life characters that haunt the co-ops of Park Avenue — when they aren’t poolside in the Hamptons or St. Barts. [more]

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