The March issue is live!

TRD examines global economic uncertainty, Airbnb and more

Chinese stock market volatility, collapsing oil prices, the Federal Reserve’s outlook on interest rates – the first few months of 2016 have been rife with macroeconomic uncertainty. But what does it all mean for the New York City real estate market?

For our March issue, The Real Deal took a closer look at how the state of the global economy has impacted the city’s real estate market thus far, and how it may continue to affect business moving forward. Is it all a sign that the current commercial real estate cycle truly is winding down?

We also track the sovereign wealth funds and foreign investors from around the world who poured billions into New York real estate last year, examining them on a country-by-country basis.

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Elswhere, there’s a deep dive into Airbnb — looking at the home-rental giant’s fight for legitimacy in the face of increasing scrutiny and regulation in New York City. In addition, there’s a look at how Airbnb has done in other cities around the world, and how its success has spurred a cottage industry seeking to capitalize on the short-term rental craze.

We also profile CBRE “godfather” Stephen Siegel, who in addition to his responsibilities at the brokerage firm has been making moves on the side as a real estate investor. And there’s an examination of the city’s union vs. non-union construction battle – and whether the unions are losing their grip on the city’s real estate industry.

Finally, in the Closing interview, Clipper Equity CEO David Bistricer talks about his battle for Starrett City, not having a television and his one true vice: making money.

To read the March issue of The Real Deal, click here or on the “Magazine” tab on the top left of the homepage. Enjoy! – Rey Mashayekhi

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