
“Modern Family” star Ariel Winter sells Sherman Oaks home

From LLNYC: “Modern Family” ABC star Ariel Winter sold her commodious Sherman Oaks home for $1.6 million last month, according to the New York Post.

Originally priced at $1.75 million in May, the property includes a 14-foot entry leading up to shiny wide-plank wood floors, sparkling quartz countertops, four and a half marble bathrooms, a large soaking tub and an old-fashioned wine cellar. The 3,200-square-foot residence also holds four large bedrooms and a backyard lap pool and spa.

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Winter recently upgraded to a 5,000-square-foot home in Studio City, which cost her $2.7 million.

The 19-year-old begins her first year at UCLA in the fall and plans to major in legal studies to become a lawyer, in case her acting career doesn’t pan out.

Although it took two price deductions to sell her California home, Winters seems to be making pretty savvy real estate decisions for a teenager. [NYP] 

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