After assembling intricate real estate data for The Real Deal’s reporters, our research team, TRData, has pivoted to position itself as a trusted source of detailed property information for anyone who’d like to gain deeper insight into the New York City real estate market.
Over the last six months, we’ve released a range of data packages that focus on new development, contractors, title insurers and lenders, to name a few. In addition to the packages and samples you’ll find below, TRData has put together numerous custom reports for firms across all sectors of the industry. We’ve also launched a subscription service that will send a list of newly filed or permitted projects to your inbox on a weekly basis.
Our full list of previous reports have been compiled below but this is only the jumping off point. If you or your firm is in need of any type of real estate data in New York City, TRData can help.
Contact Derek Smith at or (646) 503-3561 to discuss custom report capabilities and pricing
Abandoned Projects
A list of projects from our pipeline that have not made any developmental progress in four years or more
Free sample
Construction Loans
Mortgage transactions where money was loaned for construction
Free sample
Delayed Projects
A list of projects from our pipeline that have not made any developmental progress in two years
Free sample
Demolished Buildings
Addresses of properties where a demolition has occurred but no new building permit has been filed
Free sample
Developer Contacts
Phone numbers, addresses, email addresses for thousands of developers, owners and property managers across NYC
Free sample
IRS Liens
A list of addresses with IRS tax liens and the owners of those properties
Free sample
NYC Agent Analysis
A weekly or monthly analysis of agent movement across the five boroughs, or the entire state
Free sample
Properties Managed by Manhattan’s Top Managers
A list of all of the properties managed by the top 20 property managers, ranked by total square feet managed
Free sample
TCO Filed
A list of projects that have filed for a temporary certificate of occupancy but have not yet received one
Free sample
TRData Subscription Service
A taste of our subscription service, which will alert you when any development progress is made for any project in NYC
Free sample