The push for Trump’s infrastructure plan begins with Ivanka

Like she did with the tax overhaul, Ivanka Trump will begin a national tour to promote the White House's proposal

From left: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump (Credit: Gage Skidmore, Michael Vadon)
From left: Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump (Credit: Gage Skidmore, Michael Vadon)

The White House has begun its “big push” on President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan and center stage will be Trump’s adviser and daughter, Ivanka Trump.

An official told the Wall Street Journal, the younger Trump will be reprising her role from last fall when she went on a cross-country series of speeches and appearances to promote the tax overhaul. This time, she’ll be trying to convince the nation to support her father’s $200 billion spending plan to build projects like roads and bridges over the next decade. The President has said the plan will stimulate up to $1.8 trillion in further spending.

The plan has come under fire in New York from RXR Realty CEO and chairman Scott Rechler who spoke against it in January, as The Real Deal reported.

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“I think this concept of we’re going to invest $200 billion dollars and that’s gonna raise a trillion to a trillion-and-half dollars is not realistic,” Rechler said during a panel for the Urban Land Institute New York. “There’s no revenue stream for the private sector to come in and potentially take advantage of that.”

While others are advocating the President include the troubled Gateway Tunnel between New York and New Jersey as part of the plan.

Ivanka Trump’s first stop on Monday is in Iowa, where she will discuss worker training programs that are rolled into the plan. [WSJ]Erin Hudson

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