
Buckle up: There’s a new must-have for luxury hotels

Racetracks with luxury cars on hand for driving is the new favorite amenity

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Who wants to sit shotgun as luxury hotels and cars take off at break-neck speeds?

Hotels that allows guests to drive themselves around a racetrack in luxury cars are becoming increasingly popular for car lovers, corporate retreats and those seeking something new and novel, according to Bloomberg.

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“Track driving in one of the world’s great equalizers,” said Maggie Smith, the owner of Connecticut resort, Winvian Farm, to Bloomberg. Smith’s hotel offers road-racing lessons on a nearby racetrack and has even expanded to include a racing program dedicated to empowering women which debuted earlier this year.

Other hotels are setting up on-site near established tracks, like the Virginia International Raceway for example, and introducing lessons to properties that were previously seen only as haunts for dedicated spectators.

Another hotel even went so far as to anchor its hotel design around the look of its billionaire-owner’s Rolls-Royce dealership, though it’s missing the racetrack offering. [Bloomberg]Erin Hudson

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