
New York Aquarium opens shark building in Coney Island

And the sharks have names

Credit: Wildlife Conservation Society and Bernard Dupont via Flikr

The New York Aquarium in Coney Island opened a new, 60,000 square foot building dedicated to sharks this weekend.

The aquarium, which is run by the Wildlife Conservation Society, had been planning a shark-focused exhibit for more than a decade, Curbed reported. Now it has an entire building full of sharks and sting rays—60, to be exact.

Hurricane Sandy had delayed plans for the building, which is the newest feature of the Coney Island Boardwalk. Several developers have plans in the works for new buildings in the vicinity, including iStar, which filed applications to build apartments and an amphitheater in 2016.

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Admission to the shark exhibit, called “Ocean Wonder: Sharks!” is half-off until September, adding another incentive to get acquainted with these safely tank-enclosed, finned beasts, who as it turns out, have names. At 34, Bud Logan is the oldest shark on display. And Ray Charles, 42 is the oldest ray, according to New York Magazine. [Curbed]  — Will Parker



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