Having trouble sleeping in the city famous for not sleeping?
Forking over $25 could help fix that during your lunch break. Or maybe not.
Mattress company Casper has started selling naps at its new showroom, the Dreamery, at 196 Mercer Street in Soho, according to the New York Post. The sleepy service costs for $25 for 45 minutes, and people can book the space for as long as four hours.
The firm offers nappers drinks, healthy snacks and pajamas, along with books like “The Art of Choral Speaking” meant to help get them ready to snooze. Napping pods come with soothing music, customized lights and sleeping masks.
However, Post reporter Elizabeth Rosner wrote that she did not end up finding the experience that relaxing thanks to factors ranging from laughing guests to a firm mattress.
“I actually felt exhausted,” she wrote of the experience. “I could really use a nap.” [NYP] – Eddie Small