Rock and real estate: How music still plays a role in this exec’s corporate life

The office of Mary Lousie Perlman is a bit different from that of the typical real estate executive.

For one, it includes a bass guitar and a few amps. For another, Perlman can often be spotted jamming out in her office with them.

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That’s because Perlman, vice president of development and marketing at the New York-based real estate firm Alfa Development, is a musician, formerly of the band Spalding Rockwell. She sometimes plays at work to get into a creative headspace or to break up the tediousness of analyzing floor plans.

Perlman joined Alfa in 2010, and during the course of her career, has been involved in the predevelopment, marketing and sales of more than 15 luxury Manhattan condos, totaling nearly $1 billion in closings. The firm’s biggest condo projects in Manhattan include, 311 East 11th Street, 151 Wooster Street and 200 East 21st Street.

The Real Deal spent some time with Perlman to discuss how music still plays a role in her day-to-day.

Video produced by Jhila Farzaneh and Kerry Barger. Interview conducted by Kathryn Brenzel.

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