After a human skull, bone and glass bottle were found on a Southampton construction site for a private home, the Shinnecock Indian Nation is trying to raise $185,000 to help buy and preserve the land. State archeologists have said the remains probably belong to an American Indian. Southampton Town officials have offered to buy the plot for $390,000 using the Community Preservation Fund, which is financed through a two percent tax on real estate transfers. Supervisor Jay Schneiderman has also made an offer on behalf of the town, at “fair market value,” but declined to reveal the price. The owner however declined both offers because they don’t cover costs he’s already incurred on the project. The owner claimed he needs another $185,ooo, prompting Shinnecock members to start fundraising. The property’s owner, who wasn’t identified, has partnered with Michael White of Southampton-based Georgica Builders. [Newsday]
Shinnecock tribal members pledge to raise cash to buy Southampton site where bones were found
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