East Enders support plan to move Montauk’s downtown to higher ground

Environmentalists and East Enders joined together on Dec. 6 to support a proposal that would move Montauk’s downtown farther inland in a bid to to protect it from the growing effects of climate change, according to Newsday. The plan was outlined in East Hampton Town’s studies of its hamlets. The Montauk plan calls for creating a resort and mixed-use corridor along Essex Street and shifting the downtown center to the intersection with Montauk Highway, which is at a higher elevation. According to the report, the town’s shoreline has moved 44 feet inland since 2000. The report didn’t explicitly identify the businesses that have to move. The plan also needs to undergo an environmental review and local officials still have yet to work out how to negotiate a development of transfer rights with business owners in low-lying areas. [Newsday]

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