Hotel construction spending was already on the decline across the U.S. long before the coronavirus essentially shut down the industry in late March, and paused all construction.
Hotel and lodging construction spending dropped to $29.7 billion in March, from $34.2 billion over the same period in 2019, according to new U.S. Census Bureau data The Real Deal analyzed. The coronavirus pandemic has kneecapped the hotel industry, as sliding occupancy rates have forced major hospitality companies to lay off or furlough huge chunks of their workforce.
Nationwide, U.S. construction spending in March inched up year-over-year, but much of that was in the first couple of weeks, before the coronavirus fully took hold. Much of the country remained under statewide stay-at-home orders until recent weeks, which has closed nonessential businesses and halted most construction projects.
Seasonally-adjusted construction spending in March rose 4.7 percent across the U.S. to $1.36 trillion from $1.29 trillion in March 2019. Spending was also slightly higher than the February figure, which stood at $1.35 trillion.
Spending varied considerably by industry, however.
Public safety construction spending increased to $13.3 billion, over 45 percent above its March 2019 level of $9.1 billion. However, historical construction spending data shows that public safety-related construction expenditures have been steadily rising since November.
As with most Census statistics, these construction estimates depend on incomplete survey data that needs to be extrapolated due to nonresponse from municipal governments. For that reason, construction estimates have margins of error. If an estimate’s margin of error includes zero, that means there is insufficient evidence of a real change in construction spending.
Value of Construction Put in Place in the United States, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate
Type of Constructionn | Mar 2020 | Feb 2020 | Jan 2020 | Dec 2019 | Nov 2019 | Mar 2019 | Percent Change, March 2020 - Feb 2020 | Percent Change, March 2020 - March 2019 |
Total Construction | 1,360,512 | 1,348,386 | 1,382,963 | 1,347,333 | 1,342,490 | 1,299,118 | 0.9 | 4.7 |
Residential | 557,895 | 545,237 | 572,162 | 553,837 | 542,838 | 512,055 | 2.3 | 9.0 |
Nonresidential | 802,618 | 803,148 | 810,801 | 793,497 | 799,653 | 787,063 | -0.1 | 2.0 |
Lodging | 29,742 | 30,405 | 31,389 | 31,992 | 32,390 | 34,231 | -2.2 | -13.1 |
Office | 79,264 | 79,558 | 79,959 | 80,021 | 80,318 | 78,982 | -0.4 | 0.4 |
Commercial | 88,522 | 89,411 | 91,709 | 88,235 | 87,935 | 86,293 | -1.0 | 2.6 |
Health care | 45,651 | 45,022 | 45,884 | 44,345 | 44,322 | 45,095 | 1.4 | 1.2 |
Educational | 97,682 | 98,152 | 98,724 | 98,062 | 99,886 | 97,485 | -0.5 | 0.2 |
Religious | 2,858 | 2,973 | 3,042 | 2,973 | 3,136 | 2,941 | -3.9 | -2.8 |
Public safety | 13,275 | 12,598 | 12,250 | 10,815 | 10,809 | 9,141 | 5.4 | 45.2 |
Amusement and recreation | 26,541 | 27,001 | 27,173 | 27,634 | 27,908 | 28,209 | -1.7 | -5.9 |
Transportation | 55,463 | 55,882 | 55,504 | 54,713 | 55,087 | 52,492 | -0.7 | 5.7 |
Communication | 23,470 | 23,397 | 23,613 | 23,738 | 23,489 | 23,961 | 0.3 | -2.0 |
Power | 104,654 | 106,482 | 107,714 | 103,549 | 102,781 | 100,734 | -1.7 | 3.9 |
Highway and street | 108,567 | 103,928 | 104,249 | 97,150 | 95,578 | 103,079 | 4.5 | 5.3 |
Sewage and waste disposal | 25,710 | 25,837 | 26,212 | 26,214 | 26,525 | 24,829 | -0.5 | 3.5 |
Water supply | 18,539 | 18,598 | 18,222 | 17,969 | 18,253 | 15,051 | -0.3 | 23.2 |
Conservation and development | 8,705 | 9,563 | 10,312 | 10,059 | 9,795 | 8,984 | -9.0 | -3.1 |
Manufacturing | 73,975 | 74,343 | 74,845 | 76,029 | 81,441 | 75,556 | -0.5 | -2.1 |
Total Private Construction1 | 1,012,543 | 1,005,829 | 1,038,284 | 1,012,968 | 1,006,752 | 976,630 | 0.7 | 3.7 |
Residential | 550,266 | 537,665 | 564,575 | 546,532 | 535,764 | 505,931 | 2.3 | 8.8 |
New single family | 301,073 | 307,169 | 297,275 | 290,868 | 281,739 | 268,532 | -2.0 | 12.1 |
New multifamily | 60,204 | 59,016 | 58,345 | 57,517 | 58,659 | 62,992 | 2.0 | -4.4 |
Nonresidential | 462,276 | 468,164 | 473,709 | 466,436 | 470,988 | 470,699 | -1.3 | -1.8 |
Lodging | 28,940 | 29,583 | 30,368 | 30,788 | 31,025 | 33,229 | -2.2 | -12.9 |
Office | 67,981 | 68,281 | 68,591 | 68,614 | 68,626 | 68,597 | -0.4 | -0.9 |
Commercial | 84,050 | 85,240 | 87,551 | 84,154 | 84,101 | 81,998 | -1.4 | 2.5 |
Health care | 36,312 | 36,381 | 37,141 | 35,717 | 35,257 | 36,254 | -0.2 | 0.2 |
Educational | 16,768 | 17,035 | 17,254 | 17,604 | 18,176 | 20,361 | -1.6 | -17.6 |
Religious | 2,858 | 2,973 | 3,042 | 2,973 | 3,136 | 2,941 | -3.9 | -2.8 |
Amusement and recreation | 13,019 | 13,265 | 13,149 | 13,391 | 13,763 | 15,282 | -1.9 | -14.8 |
Transportation | 16,301 | 16,553 | 16,378 | 16,097 | 16,151 | 15,581 | -1.5 | 4.6 |
Communication | 23,380 | 23,307 | 23,525 | 23,617 | 23,378 | 23,764 | 0.3 | -1.6 |
Power | 98,022 | 100,100 | 100,801 | 96,223 | 94,826 | 95,594 | -2.1 | 2.5 |
Manufacturing | 73,557 | 74,060 | 74,545 | 75,802 | 81,076 | 75,360 | -0.7 | -2.4 |
Total Public Construction2 | 347,969 | 342,556 | 344,679 | 334,366 | 335,738 | 322,488 | 1.6 | 7.9 |
Residential | 7,628 | 7,572 | 7,587 | 7,305 | 7,074 | 6,123 | 0.7 | 24.6 |
Nonresidential | 340,341 | 334,984 | 337,092 | 327,061 | 328,665 | 316,365 | 1.6 | 7.6 |
Office | 11,284 | 11,277 | 11,369 | 11,407 | 11,692 | 10,386 | 0.1 | 8.6 |
Commercial | 4,472 | 4,171 | 4,158 | 4,081 | 3,834 | 4,295 | 7.2 | 4.1 |
Health care | 9,339 | 8,642 | 8,743 | 8,628 | 9,064 | 8,841 | 8.1 | 5.6 |
Educational | 80,913 | 81,117 | 81,470 | 80,458 | 81,710 | 77,124 | -0.3 | 4.9 |
Public safety | 13,164 | 12,474 | 12,118 | 10,668 | 10,670 | 8,949 | 5.5 | 47.1 |
Amusement and recreation | 13,522 | 13,736 | 14,025 | 14,243 | 14,145 | 12,927 | -1.6 | 4.6 |
Transportation | 39,162 | 39,329 | 39,126 | 38,617 | 38,937 | 36,911 | -0.4 | 6.1 |
Power | 6,632 | 6,382 | 6,913 | 7,327 | 7,955 | 5,140 | 3.9 | 29.0 |
Highway and street | 108,300 | 103,502 | 103,887 | 96,786 | 95,277 | 102,646 | 4.6 | 5.5 |
Sewage and waste disposal | 25,406 | 25,504 | 25,735 | 25,669 | 25,963 | 24,068 | -0.4 | 5.6 |
Water supply | 18,183 | 18,154 | 17,891 | 17,655 | 17,885 | 14,716 | 0.2 | 23.6 |
Conservation and development | 8,655 | 9,502 | 10,250 | 9,972 | 9,695 | 8,966 | -8.9 | -3.5 |
(Millions of dollars. Details may not add to totals due to rounding.)