Want to rent your apartment? Put “Peloton” in the listing

Data from StreetEasy offers a window into renters’ pandemic-era preferences

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(Getty, iStock)

Renters looking for deals have options these days — and landlords are upping their game by mentioning perks like … high-end stationary bikes?

Believe it: Between March and September, StreetEasy reported a 170 percent increase in the number of listings that contained the word “Peloton,” according to Crain’s. The high-end fitness company is best known for its status-y bikes, sales of which spiked by more than 100 percent during the pandemic.

Listings that mentioned home offices jumped 363 percent, as remote workers sought better setups.

Curiously, listings that mention baking jumped 220 percent. Not so curiously, listings that mentioned the word “quiet” rose 10 percent.

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The data also showed a shift in search habits. Between March and September, the number of searches for apartments with outdoor space rose by 249 percent, StreetEasy said.

Video tours also became more popular, with preferences for 3-D and video tours climbing 22 percent.

Still, some things never change. The most widely searched amenity was a classic, coveted staple: the washer/dryer.

[Crain’s] — Sylvia Varnham O’Regan

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