
Sag Harbor Cinema delays opening, despite state’s go-ahead for theaters

Sag Harbor Cinema (Sag Harbor Cinema via Facebook)
Sag Harbor Cinema (Sag Harbor Cinema via Facebook)

The owners of Sag Harbor Cinema are in no rush to open the movie house, which had its original opening postponed because of coronavirus, according to the Southampton Press.

New York State has allowed most cinemas outside New York City to open with capacity limits and other measures in place starting Oct. 23.

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The movie theater was set to open in April after being closed for several years following a 2016 fire. Sag Harbor Cinema Executive Director James Hook said that “we will not open until we can be sure we can protect the safety of the public,” and said the cinema’s plan could be released by next week.

Part of management’s reopening plan includes improvements to air filtration and monitoring systems, which Hook said cost an estimated $50,000. [Southampton Press]

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