Show stopper: Southampton landlords refuse to fill vacant storefronts with art

The town is expected to start fining landlords who do not comply with the program

Few of Southampton’s retail landlords are participating in a town program to fill vacant storefronts with art. (iStock, Getty)
Few of Southampton’s retail landlords are participating in a town program to fill vacant storefronts with art. (iStock, Getty)

In this case, the show will not go on.

Few of Southampton’s retail landlords are participating in a town program to fill vacant storefronts with art, according to the Southampton Press. Their decision comes despite the fact that it would come at no cost and it’s technically required by town ordinance.

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Just three shop owners are currently showing art through the program. The Southampton Arts Center chooses local artists and handles the installation for free.

“It’s a win win,” said SAC Executive Director Tom Dunn.

The town passed the ordinance last year. Store owners can be fined for between $1,000 and $2,500 for not complying with the ordinance. The town hasn’t yet fined any landlords for failing to participate, but a grace period to comply is expected to expire this month. [SP] — Dennis Lynch

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