A state lawmaker wants the state to include representatives of the Shinnecock Nation in upcoming discussions over the state’s casino licenses, according to the Southampton Press.
Assemblyman Fred Thiele introduced a bill that would require the Cuomo administration to negotiate in good faith with the Shinnecock Nation if the tribe seeks an alternative location for a casino planned for its Southampton territory.
The state intends to award three downstate casino licenses in 2023, but may move that date up given the potential economic impact of the venues.
The Shinnecock Nation unveiled its plans for a casino in Southampton last year.
Thiele opposes that plan, as do other local officials, in large part because of the traffic it would generate on the area’s narrow and congested roads.
Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman said last month he believes that the tribe’s leaders are using the Southampton plan as leverage to secure a license and a location closer to New York City. [Southampton Press] — Dennis Lynch