
Southampton eyes restricting some properties to marine business

A marina owner wants to convert a house to an office, but officials are worried it would allow for more intensive uses

Strong's Marine Southampton location. (Strong's Marine)
Strong's Marine Southampton location. (Strong's Marine)

Southampton Town officials are considering a zoning designation to promote waterfront business development and exclude such uses as hotels and nightclubs, according to the Southampton Press.

The proposal stems from a request from Strong’s Marina owner Jeff Strong. He asked the town’s permission to convert a house into an office next to his marina near North Sea Harbor. The office use doesn’t conform with the local residential zoning, so Strong wants the site rezoned for commercial use.

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Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman and other Southampton officials are concerned because that would also allow for hotels, restaurants and nightclubs. The Town Board asked planners to come up with a new designation allowing only marine-related business.

[Southampton Press] — Dennis Lynch

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