
Southampton official aims to reclaim land 90 years after deal

Alex Gregor says Shinnecock Hills Golf Club doesn't own the road, so can't close it to public

Highway Superintendent Alex Gregor and St. Andrews Road (Facebook/New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways, Inc., Google Maps)
Highway Superintendent Alex Gregor and St. Andrews Road (Facebook/New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways, Inc., Google Maps)

Southampton’s head highway official is filing an official complaint over a land dispute with Shinnecock Hills Golf Club, according to the Southampton Press.

In the 1930s, the town and the golf club swapped a stretch of St. Andrews Road with a piece of land where County Road 39 now sits, giving the golf club ownership of St. Andrews Road.

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The road was used by the public until the golf club put up barriers in the 1980s. But Highway Superintendent Alex Gregor wants a mulligan. He claims that because his long-gone predecessor never signed a certificate of abandonment back in the 1930s, that stretch of road still belongs to the town.

Southampton Town Supervisor Jay Schneiderman maintains that the land swap went down fair and square and that the golf club legally owns St. Andrews Road. [Southampton Press] — Dennis Lynch

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