
Jamison files plans for mixed-use complex in Koreatown

Development firm’s latest would have 150 apartments units and 13K sf of retail

Jamie Lee and the development site (Credit: Google Maps)
Jamie Lee and the development site (Credit: Google Maps)

Jamison Services has been in development mode in recent months, and is now looking to build a 150-unit apartment complex with ground-floor retail on the Koreatown border.

A limited partnership connected to the firm — 3751 Wesix QOZ — filed plans for the project with the City Planning Department. Plans call for about 12,900 square feet of ground floor commercial space along with the residential units.

Jamison bought the development site — three parcels at the corner of West Sixth Street and Harvard Boulevard — in June for $12.5 million, records show. The three parcels include an apartment building, parking lot and a U.S. Post Office-occupied building.

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The family-run firm is pursuing entitlements through Los Angeles’ Transit Oriented Communities program, which among other things allows developers to boost unit counts and density.

The site is also in a federal Opportunity Zone, which provides long-term investors and developers tax-deferred financing.

The development filing’s limited partnership name suggests Jamison could pursue the Opportunity Zones path. Jamison did not immediately return a request for comment.

Koreatown and the immediate area is one of Jamison’s core markets. The company has a hotel project in the works one block away on South Harvard Boulevard. It is also pursuing a 262-unit residential development about a mile and a half east on Wilshire Boulevard.

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