A house-obsessed nation … and more

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  • 1. A house expert says the nation needs to move beyond its housing obsession [Bloomberg]
  • 2. A 10-unit townhouse owned by the Gottlieb estate has been sold at public auction for $7.4 Million to a member of the Gottlieb family [A Fine Blog] and [Curbed]
  • 3. The Municipal Arts Society revealed its vision of the Brooklyn Navy Yard [Curbed]
  • 4. A Goldman Sachs analyst has recommended short selling shares of Citigroup, citing the bank’s exposure to the mortgage and credit markets [AP via Crain’s]
  • 5. After 26 years, Home magazine will stop publishing [Crain’s]
  • 6. Struggling IndyMac borrows apparently lucked out when the bank tanked, because the FDIC might lower their mortgage interest rates [Bloomberg]
  • 7. Wachovia Corp. is selling land and construction loans backed by 2,900 housing lots to a residential-property firm [Bloomberg]
  • 8. A Federal Reserve official has criticized the Bush administration’s strategy of trying to shore up Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac [Bloomberg]
  • 9. A beer bar is coming to Third Avenue in Brooklyn [Brownstoner]
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