
For buyers with star power: privacy above all else

In the Internet age, celebrities are spending more then ever to go incognito

250 Bowery and Gigi Hadid250 
250 Bowery and Gigi Hadid250 

Say goodbye to glitzy addresses. Manhattan’s elite want to be as invisible as possible.

It’s not exactly a new phenomenon, but discrete millionaires are going to increasingly extreme lengths to ensure no one ever discovers where they call home, according to the New York Daily News.

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These buyers are moving to buildings with the best security and are installing safe rooms and, occasionally, secret tunnels. And naturally, they are using multi-layered limited liability companies.

“The real estate industry has become such a sensationalized business in terms of the gossip factor,” Wendy Maitland of Town Residential told the Daily News. “There are so many blogs and websites out there that make it their mission to find out who’s moving where, who’s buying, who’s selling and what they’re paying. It’s so much harder to remain anonymous and ensure safety.”

One recent example is supermodel Gigi Hadid, who moved out of her apartment on the Bowery after a stalker bypassed the doorman. Her apartment is now on the market for $2.45 million. [NYDN] – Christopher Cameron

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