
TRD’s self-care guide to surviving the election

As the nation awaits a result, these items might help keep you at ease

(Product images via Amazon; iStock)
(Product images via Amazon; iStock)

Note: These items are independently selected by our team. However, TRD may receive a commission when you purchase products through affiliate links.

As the industry remains in suspense, many are huddling around their televisions, compulsively checking Twitter, and generally waiting with bated breath for an election verdict. Whichever way the pendulum swings, it will undoubtedly have a huge impact on real estate for the next four years.

We’ve spent the last few weeks parsing out Trump’s real effect on real estate, wondered what a Biden presidency would be like, and surveying industry folks for their thoughts.

We are officially tired out. We suspect you are too, no matter your political affiliation.

As we hunker down for what could be a long wait, it’s high time we all practiced some self care.

Check out our list below for a few products that might help you manage the days, weeks, or possibly years ahead.

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Keep your feet cozy, even if you’re walking on eggshells with family and friends. These Ugg slippers (which come in men’s and women’s varieties) are sure to bring warm toes, even if you’re getting cold feet about the election.

While cozying up in your slippers, you can slip on a mud mask like this one with minerals straight from the Dead Sea. The pandemic might have deterred you from moving to another country if your preferred candidate loses, but at least you can remind yourself what traveling felt like with this spa-like experience.

Once you’ve masked up and settled in, you’ll want this luxurious weighted knit blanket to cuddle under. The weight is meant to reduce anxiety — exactly what we all need right now.

If lounging around only causes your stress to mount, sweat it out instead with this portable home gym kit. Maybe it’s just the endorphins, but getting a workout in (even if Fox News or MSNBC is on in the background) almost makes it feel like everything is normal again. Or at least it’ll make you feel productive.

On the other hand, you could stress eat. Sinful and classic Godiva chocolates can’t be beat for the sugar rush you’re craving after a long night of flipping through news channels. It’s been a long election, and we all deserve to indulge a little.

Lastly, when all else has failed, pour yourself a drink. Q makes tonics in different flavors that are all perfect for a G&T with an unusual twist. Even if you’re not a drinker, the bubbly water helps calm a nervous stomach.

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