Spring Valley landlords are feeling the heat after Rockland County took over enforcement from the village on orders from the state.
In the latest example, more than two dozen violations were issued at a two-story apartment building in the Rockland County village.
Inspectors issued 27 violations to the owner of 17 Ridge Avenue, the Rockland/Westchester Journal News reported. The violations at the 20-unit complex stem from a March 28 inspection that uncovered sagging floors, poor fire escapes, malfunctioning fire-protection doors and a lack of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
“We deemed the building unsafe, based upon a detailed inspection,” said Ed Marunas, head of the Rockland Office of Building and Codes. Other issues included electrical hazards, infrastructure issues and the presence of a squirrel in a building hole.
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The property’s owners, Abraham and Sarah Mandlovic, were given two weeks to fix the issues. If they don’t, the estimated 40-plus tenants could be removed.
Abraham reportedly told one of the tenants that he planned to make repairs within the next three months. That tenant did not express concerns about the conditions of the building.
Separately, a $39,000 fine was issued against Rony Joseph after inspectors found people living in illegal quarters at 3 George Street, where conditions were deemed dangerous. It was the first civil penalty issued since the county took over code enforcement from Spring Valley.
Rockland County assumed responsibility for inspections and code enforcement in the village in February on orders from the New York Department of State, citing “ongoing deficiencies” in the village’s enforcement program.
In March, a fire at 101 Kennedy Drive in Spring Valley that resulted in four hospitalizations led to the discovery of more than 100 violations at the Country Village Towers. Issues included haphazard bedroom conversions, faulty smoke alarms, exposed wires and black mold.
[LoHud] — Holden Walter-Warner