Islamorada closes administrative building due to Covid-19

Offices expected to reopen Jan. 19

86800 Overseas Highway, Islamorada (Google Maps, iStock)
86800 Overseas Highway, Islamorada (Google Maps, iStock)

Anyone trying to drop off hard copy permit applications in the Upper Florida Keys village of Islamorada is out of luck for the next two weeks.

The village closed its main administration building to visitors until Jan. 19 after four staff members tested positive for Covid-19, according to The Miami Herald. Building and planning department applications still can be submitted, processed, reviewed and issued electronically for now.

Last year, Covid-19 infections caused the city of West Miami to close its main building and Bay Harbor Islands to close its town hall, according to the Herald.

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Miami-Dade building officials temporarily closed the county’s permitting and inspection center in March after learning an employee tested positive for coronavirus.

Positive Covid-19 results from workers also have caused shutdowns for private offices, such as JPMorgan Chase’s 383 Madison Avenue building in New York, and for hotels, like the Clevelander South Beach. A positive test result for Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Dorothy Jacks resulted in the administration department at the Palm Beach County governmental center closing for cleaning in July.

[Miami Herald] — Wade Tyler Millward